Home Organization by Dana Marcel Jan. 31, 2023
What does it take to have an organized home. I’ve heard it said, “a place for everything and everything in it’s place”. That is a “Pipe dream”.
A home is actively used and it gets messy and dirty. The trick is to keep it simple.
If your house is getting out of control, here are some things to help make it keep it neat and clean.
First select your most needed public area, such as the living room, den or kitchen. Pick the messiest spot and pull out the biggest item in the stack. Is it really something you want to keep? Or is it just taking up space? Is it useful or useless?
I keep a box in the garage for items I no longer use. When the box is full, I take it and donate it.
Set up four empty boxes and label them as follows:
- Trash
- Keep
- Donate
Work down your area, filling the boxes, setting priority first for the mail. Assure you do not have anything that should be handled immediately. If you do, get it done, right away.
Are there items that do not belong in any of the four boxes, create another box and label it as needed.
Once you have your first room resolved, clear out the boxes and start again in the next room. Before you know it, you have resolved the issues that keep you from enjoying your home.
Kitchen Tip:
When you are prepping food, keep an old colander in then sink. Put all of the garbage in the colander. All of the liquids will drain out and you can dispose of the refuse without the liquids. When I am done preparing my food, I empty the colander into my garbage container.
I bought a small plastic paint bucket with a lid from Home Depot. It is perfect as a garbage container, when it is lined with a garbage liner. The tight lid and lack of liquid help to keep odor from occurring.
I have never liked garbage disposals. They make noise, smell, and take up so much space under the cup-board. That is a personal choice. Because of the way I handle the garbage, I don’t need a disposal.
Well, that is all for this week. I hope you found this blog helpful. Please check back next week for more tips and home remedies.
Happy, Healthy Living,
Dana Marcel