Raising children in a faith-based household is one of the best gifts you can give them. Instilling moral values and spiritual growth can help your kids succeed in life and make them better people in 4 major senses.
- They will learn how to be patient
- They will grow spiritually
- They will know how to care for their neighbors
- They will be able to practice moral values
But teaching these values to a child can be difficult without the right resources. One of the best ways to teach your kids about their faith is through kid bibles. Kid bibles are formatted differently than adult ones, with stories that are easier for children to understand and illustrations to bring the words to life. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best kid bibles available and how they can help boost your child’s spiritual journey.
The Story Bible
The Story Bible is a great choice for kids who want to learn about the Bible and its stories. This kid-friendly Bible uses engaging artwork and simple language to tell the stories of the Bible in a way that kids can understand. The Story Bible also includes a glossary of terms and a concordance to help kids find their way around the Bible.
The NIV Adventure Bible
The NIV Adventure Bible is a great choice for kids who want to learn more about the Bible. It features a number of different activities and games that help kids understand the Bible better. The Adventure Bible also includes a number of maps and illustrations that make it even more exciting for kids.
The Jesus Storybook Bible
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The Jesus Storybook Bible is one of the most popular kid bibles on the market. It is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago. The Jesus Storybook Bible tells the story of God’s love for us from beginning to end. Every story whispers his name. It is filled with beautiful illustrations and engaging stories that will captivate your child’s attention. The Jesus Storybook Bible is a great choice for parents looking for a kid’s bible that their kids will love.
The Big Picture Story Bible
The Big Picture Story Bible is a great choice for kids who are looking for a Bible that tells the story of God’s love for humanity. This Bible uses pictures and simple words to tell the story of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. The Big Picture Story Bible is a perfect choice for kids who are just beginning to learn about the Bible, or for those who need a refresher on the main storyline of Scripture.